Publications > Sans-Panadés et al
Synthesis of BN-Polyarenes by a Mild Borylative Cyclization Cascade.
Universidad de Alcalá (IRYCIS). Departamento de Química Orgánica y Química Inorgánica, Instituto de Investigación Química "Andrés M. del Río" (IQAR). Campus Científico-Tecnológico, Facultad de Farmacia. Autovía A-II, Km 33.1, 28805-Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
Reaction of BCl(3) with suitably substituted o-alkynylanilines promotes a cascade reaction in which BN-polycyclic compounds are obtained via the formation of two new cycles and three new bonds in a single operational step. The reaction is highly efficient and takes place at room temperature, providing a very mild and straightforward strategy for the preparation of BN-aromatic compounds, which can be further transformed into a variety of BN-PAHs with different polycyclic cores and substituents.