Todas las entradas de: Javier Carreras Pérez Aradros

Premio Almirall de la SEQT – Javier García Marín

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Premio Almirall de la SEQT – Javier García Marín

Javier García Marín, estudiante de doctorado de nuestro grupo, ha recibido el Premio Almirall de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica (SEQT) para Investigadores Noveles en el Campo de la Búsqueda y desarrollo de Nuevos Fármacos. ¡Enhorabuena!

El premio se hizo entrega durante el 19th Meeting of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry en Vitoria, en el cual también realizó una comunicación flash de su trabajo:: New tools in medicinal chemistry: design, synthesis & evaluation of new molecules for the modulation of integrin linked kinase: a new target for chronic kidney disease.

Presentaciones TFM «Descubrimiento de Fármacos»

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Presentaciones TFM «Descubrimiento de Fármacos»

Entre finales de junio y principios de julio se ha realizado la Escuela de Descubrimiento de Fármacos del Máster Interuniversitario en Descubrimiento de Fármacos. 

En esta edición se han presentado cinco trabajos tutorizados en el grupo. ¡Enhorabuena!

  • Julia Altarejos «Síntesis estereoselectiva de trifluorometilciclopropilboronatos»
  • Paula Flores «Síntesis de compuestos policíclicos mediante ciclaciones electrofílicas de eninos»
  • Miriam Ramírez «Synthesis of small molecules as mimetics of the epitope segment in ILK-a-parvin protein-protein interaction»
  • Alexey Sanduev «Design and synthesis of dicationic cromophores with application in bioimaging»
  • Silvia Simón «Synthesis of modulators of integrin-linked kinase (ILK)»

Participación 6th Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers

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Participación 6th Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers

El grupo ha participado con diversas contribuciones de los estudiantes de doctorado y de máster del grupo:

S. Simón de la Fuente, F. Maqueda, J. García-Marín, J.L. Aceña and J.J. Vaquero

M. Ramírez Rozalén, J. García Marín, R. Alajarín and J. J. Vaquero

F. Maqueda-Zelaya, V. Miguel, J. L. Aceña, S. Lamas and J. J. Vaquero

M. S. Garre, R. Losantos, S. Gutiérrez, D. Sucunza, P. García-García, D. Sampedro and J. J. Vaquero

A. González, N. Mateu, J. L. Aceña, S. Fustero and J. J. Vaquero


Participación XXXVII Bienal RSEQ

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Participación XXXVII Bienal RSEQ

El grupo ha presentado varias contribuciones en la XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química.

Dos comunicaciones flash:

Gold (I)-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of 1,3,5-Trien-7-ynes: A Novel and General Approach to Phenanthrenes
Manuel A. Fernández-Rodríguez, Patricia García-García, Roberto Sanz, Juan J. Vaquero, Ana Milián-López

Electrophilic Cyclizations of Alkynylcyclobutanes and -cyclopropanes
Patricia García-García, David Sucunza, Enrique Aguilar, Juan J. Vaquero, M. Soledad Garre

Y una comunicación póster:

Azaborine synthesis by cascade borocyclization of o-alkynyl anilines
Ester Sans-Panadés, Manuel A. Fernández-Rodríguez, Patricia García-García, Juan J. Vaquero

Abengozar et al. J Org Chem. 2019;84(11):7113-7122. A New Member of the BN-Phenanthrene Family: Understanding the Role of the B-N Bond Position.

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Publicaciones > Abengozar et al

A New Member of the BN-Phenanthrene Family: Understanding the Role of the B-N Bond Position.

1. Departamento de Quimica Organica y Quimica Inorganica, Instituto de Investigacion Quimica "Andres M. del Rio" (IQAR) , Universidad de Alcala , 28805 Alcala de Henares , Spain.  2. Departamento de Quimica, Centro de Investigacion en Sintesis Quimica (CISQ) , Universidad de La Rioja , Madre de Dios 53 , 26006 Logrono , Spain.


3,4-Dihydro-4-aza-3-boraphenanthrene, which shows the highest fluorescence quantum yield of all nonsubstituted BN-phenanthrenes reported to date (varphiF = 0.61), has been synthesized in only three steps (76% overall yield) from easily accessible 1-bromo-2-vinylnaphthalene, along with several substituted derivatives. The reactivity of these previously unknown BN-aromatic compounds toward organolithium compounds and bromine has been studied. This latter reaction affords bromo-substituted compounds that are suitable for further functionalization via Suzuki and Sonogashira couplings, with complete regioselectivity. The optical properties and excited state deactivation mechanisms of selected compounds were studied using computational methods.

Conferencia Dr. Aleksey Vasilev 27/06/19

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Conferencia Dr. Aleksey Vasilev

El Dr. Aleksey Aleksandrov Vasilev, profesor titular de la Facultad de Química y Farmacia de la Universidad de Sofía (Bulgaria) impartirá una conferencia titulada E-Z Photoisomerization Stimulated by Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Photon Energy Up-conversion Light en el Edificio Polivalente de la UAH el día 27 de junio a las 12.00.


Abengozar et al. Beilstein J Org Chem. 2019;15:1257-1261. Remarkable effect of alkynyl substituents on the fluorescence properties of a BN-phenanthrene.

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Publicaciones > Abengozar et al

Remarkable effect of alkynyl substituents on the fluorescence properties of a BN-phenanthrene.

Departamento de Quimica Organica y Quimica Inorganica, Instituto de Investigacion Quimica "Andres M. del Rio" (IQAR), Universidad de Alcala, 28871-Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain.


A series of BN-phenanthrenes with substituents of a diverse nature have been synthesized by palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of a common chloro-substituted precursor, which was made from readily available materials in only four steps. Evaluation of the photophysical properties of the prepared compounds unveiled an impressive effect of the presence of alkynyl substituents on the fluorescence quantum yield, which improved from 0.01 in the parent compound to up to 0.65 in derivatives containing a triple bond.

Nuevo artículo, J. Org. Chem.

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A New Member of the BN-Phenanthrene Family: Understanding the Role of the B—N Bond Position

Alberto Abengózar, David Sucunza, Patricia García-García, Diego Sampedro, Adrián Pérez-Redondo, and Juan J. Vaquero

J. Org. Chem., Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.9b00800

3,4-Dihydro-4-aza-3-boraphenanthrene, which shows the highest fluorescence quantum yield of all nonsubstituted BN-phenanthrenes reported to date (ϕF = 0.61), has been synthesized in only three steps (76% overall yield) from easily accessible 1-bromo-2-vinylnaphthalene, along with several substituted derivatives. The reactivity of these previously unknown BN-aromatic compounds toward organolithium compounds and bromine has been studied. This latter reaction affords bromo-substituted compounds that are suitable for further functionalization via Suzuki and Sonogashira couplings, with complete regioselectivity. The optical properties and excited state deactivation mechanisms of selected compounds were studied using computational methods.

Estibaliz Merino

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Estibaliz Merino Marcos

Investigadora Contratada

      • 2019-Presente: Investigadora contratada, Programa de Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid (Modalidad 1). Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid)
      • 2013-2019: Investigadora asociada, Universidad de Zurich (Suiza) (Prof. Cristina Nevado). Desarrollo de nuevas metodologias en síntesis orgánica y estudio de mecanismos de reacción mediante cálculos computacionales.
      • 2011-2013: Investigadora Contratada «JAE-Doc», Instituto de Química Orgánica General (IQOG-CSIC) (Madrid) (Prof. Félix Sánchez). Diseño y sintesis de nuevos materiales orgánicos micro y mesoporosos funcionalizados.
      • 2010-2011: Investigadora Contratada «Juan de la Cierva», Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ, CSIC-UPV) (Prof. Avelino Corma). Desarrollo y estudio de las propiedades de nuevos materiales híbridos multifuncionales.
      • 2007-2009: Becaria postdoctoral, Universidad Goethe y RTWH-Aachen (Alemania) (Prof. Magnus Rueping) trabajando en el campo de la organocatálisis.
      • 2007: Doctorado, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Prof. Mª Carmen Carreño) sobre «Nuevas Aplicaciones de los Sulfóxidos: Síntesis de Moléculas Naturales a partir de p-(tolilsulfinilmetil)-p-Quinoles. Síntesis y Propiedades Fotocrómicas de Sulfinil Azocompuestos Enantiopuros»
      • 2000: Licenciatura en CC. Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Valino-Rivas et al. Trends Mol Med. 2019;25(4):341-360. NIK as a Druggable Mediator of Tissue Injury.

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Publicaciones > Valino-Rivas et al

NIK as a Druggable Mediator of Tissue Injury.

1. Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria (IIS) Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, School of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), Red de Investigacion Renal (REDINREN), and Fundacion Renal Inigo Alvarez de Toledo (FRIAT), Madrid, Spain.  2. Departamento de Quimica Organica y Quimica Inorganica, Universidad de Alcala and REDINREN, Madrid, Spain.  3. Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas de la UAM, Madrid, Spain.  4. These authors contributed equally. Electronic address:.


NF-kappaB-inducing kinase (NIK, MAP3K14) is best known as the apical kinase that triggers non-canonical NF-kappaB activation and by its role in the immune system. Recent data indicate a role for NIK expressed by non-lymphoid cells in cancer, kidney disease, liver injury, glucose homeostasis, osteosarcopenia, vascular calcification, hematopoiesis, and endothelial function. The spectrum of NIK-associated disease now ranges from immunodeficiency (when NIK is defective) to autoimmunity, cancer, sterile inflammation, fibrosis, and metabolic disease when NIK is overactive. The development of novel small-molecule NIK inhibitors has paved the way to test NIK targeting to treat disease in vivo, and may eventually lead to NIK targeting in the clinic. In addition, NIK activators are being explored for specific conditions such as myeloid leukemia.