Synthesis of Seven- and Eight-Membered Rings by a Brønsted Acid Catalyzed Cationic Carbocyclization of Biphenyl Embedded Enynes
Jaime Tostado , Ana Milián, Juan J. Vaquero, and Manuel A. Fernández-Rodríguez*
Org. Lett. 2024, ASAP
DOI: acs.orglett.4c00647

A Brønsted acid catalyzed cyclization of o-alkenyl-o′-alkynylbiaryls for the synthesis of biologically relevant dibenzo-fused medium-sized rings has been developed. The outcome of the cyclization is determined by the nature of the substituent at the alkyne, with arenes favoring seven-membered rings and alkyl substituents producing eight-membered rings. These reactions proceed via a vinyl cation, which is captured by water and, notably, by C-nucleophiles, such as electron-rich (hetero)arenes. |
Dr. Merino promoted to Associate Professor at the UAH
Last friday, March 1st, Dr. Estibaliz Merino successfully passed her exam and was appointed as Associate Professor at the UAH.
Congratulations Estíbaliz!

- FPI (project-associated), Universidad de Alcalá (2022-2023)
- Master Organic Chemsitry, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2022-2023)
- Graduated (Chemistry), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2018-2022)
Dra. Isabel Rozas
Dra. Isabel Rozas, Full Professor at the School of Chemistry of the Trinity College (Dublin)
A dónde puede llevarte elegir el ADN como diana biológica
Room 0.6, Edificio Polivalente, UAH. January 11st, 16.00.
On-line: Rozas talk

Mercedes Zurro de la Fuente
Senior Research Fellow
- 2023: Assistant Professor, Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid)
- 2022-2023: Senior Research Fellow , Talent Attraction Program of Community of Madrid-Type 2, Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid)
- 2021-2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, ICIQ (Prof. Miquel A. Pericàs).
- 2018-2020: «Ramón Areces» Researcher, Rijks Universiteit Groningen (Prof. Syuzanna Harutyunyan).
- 2017-2018: Postdoctoral Researcher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Prof. Luis Sánchez).
- 2016: Ph.D. WWU Münster / Universität Regensburg. (Prof. Dr. Olga García Mancheño) Chiral triazole-based anion-binding catalysts for the asymmetric dearomatization of N-heteroarenes.
- 2011: Graduated at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Biological Chemistry Group